All the specialties for your eye diseases
High pressure in the eye

Better known as the silent thief of sight, it is a disease that does not present symptoms in its early stages, but the patient’s visual capacity degenerates until he is completely blind.
Glaucoma is a disease that requires urgent and priority treatment since its lack of diagnosis can lead to irreversible blindness.
What is Glaucoma?
It is a disease that causes damage to the optic nerve, it is related to increased intraocular pressure, without treatment, Glaucoma causes permanent loss of vision.

Normal Vision

Vision with glaucoma
What types of Glaucoma are there?
- Open angle glaucoma
- Angle closure glaucoma
- Secondary glaucoma, derived from shock diseases or medications
- Congenital glaucoma
- Childhood glaucoma
What are the reasons?
- Congenital
- Use of steroid drops
- Secondary to other conditions such as diabetes or blows to the eye
Which is the treatment?
Treatment can be by drops, laser, or surgery, depending on the severity of the disease and the type of glaucoma.

Dr. Mariano Yee

Dra. Lucia Silva
Medical Director

Dra. Yessica Bonilla

Dra. Alejandra Sosa

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